I’ve been sitting on this announcement for what feels like an eternity, but cat’s out of the bag and boy, is it pleased about it. Here’s the skinny: Ann VanderMeer has bought my short story “The Language of Knives” for TOR.com scheduled to see the light of day on January 28th.

This is the state of my soul at this moment.
It’s a milestone sale for a multiple of reasons the most obvious being that TOR.com has been a dream market and I didn’t actually believe I’d be able to sell anything there. Have you read the stories published there? Have you?! I’m trying to turn on my eloquence, but I’m failing at it miserably.
Anyway, “The Language of Knives” is a special story. I wrote it feeling incredibly down and afraid about life in general and how I fit in it, but also feeling overcome by happiness for the events in my life that made it worth living. These conflicting emotions synergized in this tale that represents me in such a fundamental way. To be able to share something so personal on a stage this big leaves me flabbergasted and touched and excited.
A great deal of my excitement is due to the fact that Sam Weber will illustrate the story and if you don’t know who Sam is – [LINK LOVE]. If I actually had the skill, I’d try to carve a path in illustration rather than writing, because visual arts stimulate my creativity like crazy, so to have someone as skilled and distinguished is another dream come true.
The best part is that pretty soon I’ll also see dear friends with stories in TOR.com, including Nino Cipri, Tamara Vardomskaya and Noah Keller – all super talented people.
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