Hello everybody. It’s a great day today, because my friend Jonathan Wood celebrates the release day of his book YESTERDAY’S HERO [BUY NOW] and it deserves much love, because it’s incredibly funny. Jonathan is a darling person. I mean he has written about a zombie T-Rex and people made of books turning into giant tree. It’s weird, it’s brilliant.
I had the utmost pleasure of interviewing Jonathan at SF Signal [LINK LOVE] and it was a pleasure. Just look at some of the exchange we had:
HM: Writers are always told to kill their darlings. Considering the levels of (good) insanity inYesterday’s Hero, was there a scene that was too over-the-top that needed to be chopped?
JW: I can’t think of any scene in Yesterday’s Hero that needed to be cut in its entirety. Some lines and gags die along the way, but you learn to live with it. That said, in the third book, Anti-Hero, I did actually cut a bit from the opening action scene just so that the action had places to escalate to later in the book. Apparently dropping a satellite out of orbit on the characters in the second chapter on was a little over the top…
Why are you not reading already?
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