As part of the recovery process, I shouldn’t really exert myself with unnecessary typing. This lil’ peace of heaven pretty much fills up this category. I have made a promise to provide a content as a means to facilitate my personal and professional growth, yet I’m positive my writing right here will amount to less than expected.

Oh, Tumblr, you really do have a hipster quote for every occassion.
Since January is fueled by professionalism as a concept among writers or the absent thereof (oh, don’t you just love when it burns), a thought crept up on me about the responsibilities associated with running a professional career. Decisions above all else are the alpha and the omega of your career, whether it sinks or swims. Are you a good captain? Do you have a special bond with the waves? Can you steer clear from siren calls?
I may have to quit with the recreational drugs before writing for the blog.*
What I’m getting at is that being a true professional means calling the shots in a way that will get you the bestest prize in the long run. Right now, my decision making skills face a challenge. Do I push on with my crazy blogging schedule and risk damaging my already abused fingers or do I opt for a well-deserved rest? Or will the two concepts meet in the middle for a dirty quickie as I wait for the illegitimate child of compromise?
I can’t say for sure. Time, painkillers and chocolate will tell for certain.
* Dr. Walter Bishop is my role model and he’s a genius, so I’m sure you can look the other way, when I binge on space brownies every now and then. Plus, I break stereotype by being addicted to something else rather than alcohol. Now, where is that bottle of vodka…
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